This Poppet is a picture of my current Professional Learning Network. In creating this infographic for CEP 810 demonstrating the sources to which I turn for professional insight and growth, I was both surprised and grateful. I was surprised by how many digital channels of learning are available. Learning tools are accessible whenever and wherever needed. For example, I don’t need to attend a physical conference, though I do enjoy learning that way, but I can attend webinars from the comfort of my home, or from the convenience of my school library checkout desk. Likewise, I can get together with other librarians in my school district at our monthly meetings in various schools, or I can hangout online with them, or with librarians in other states, to discuss lesson ideas or book recommendations. I was also surprised by how much I rely on social media for learning. Not only do I keep track of friends, interests, and decorating/cooking tips through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, but also I use these channels to curate lesson plans and keep track of current trends in education.
This exercise in mapping my PLN also filled me with gratitude. Being an educator can be a lonely job. Elementary teachers are often sequestered within the walls of their classroom. School librarians can be isolated one step further in that we are often the only one in our building. How amazing that I am not isolated in 2015. I have a rich network of mentors and motivators, often in a variety of fields, spanning the globe with unfathomable depths of wisdom and resources. What an exciting time in which we live!